Assad Says Thank You Putin And Russia Already Help Release Aleppo

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad thanked Russia and President Vladimir Putin for his help in liberating Aleppo-

Besides Ronaldo, This 6 Throughout 2016 Best Goal Machine

Year 2016 belonged to Cristiano Ronaldo, Real Madrid striker was named the best player of Europe and won the Ballon d'Or four.

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Six Of The Most Luxurious Hotels In The World At The Airport

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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Besides Ronaldo, This 6 Throughout 2016 Best Goal Machine

Grownnews: Washington - Year 2016 belonged to Cristiano Ronaldo, Real Madrid striker was named the best player of Europe and won the Ballon d'Or four.

The 31-year-old man won the Champions League and the Club World Cup with Real Madrid. Ronaldo also won the European Cup in 2016 together with his country, Portugal.

The former Manchester United star also scored 31 goals in 30 games throughout 2016. He became Real Madrid goal machine and Portugal.

Besides Ronaldo, in fact there are six other players who was named the best goal machine in 2016. Who are they? Listen in the following review page, Check It Out:

1. Luis Suarez
Luis Suarez, Souce: Forbes
Raja mesin gol Tahun 2016 Adalah striker Barcelona, Luis Suarez. Sepanjang Tahun Penyanyi, dia Anda Mencetak 35 gol Dari 34 Pertandingan.

Sejak Agustus Hingga Saat Penyanyi, Pemain timnas Uruguay ITU Sudah Mencetak 12 gol. Suarez also tercatat has melepaskan 64 sepakan Yang mengancam Gawang Lawan.

KARENA kecemerlangannya Mencetak gol, manajemen Barcelona Langsung memberikan Kontrak baru untuknya. Suarez mendapat Kontrak baru Hingga 2021.

Suarez Tumpuan For Being Granted Role BECAUSE Barcelona Messi Start switch as Passer No Longer a goal getter as before. Although not Mean, Messi could not score goals.

2. Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Zlatan Ibrahomovic, Source: Sky Sport
Although age of 35 years, Zlatan Ibrahimovic is still a predator at the opponent's penalty box. Throughout these years, he has scored 34 goals with Paris Saint-Germain and Manchester United.

With Manchester United, he was crowned itself as a goal machine. Ibrahimovic has scored 14 goals from 24 appearances with the club nicknamed the Red Devils.

Former captain of the Swedish national team is very strong in the air duel. The proof of 98 duel with an opponent, he was able to win as much as 47 times. That means, the success rate Ibrahimovic won the aerial duel of 48 percent.

3. Ali Mabkhout
Ali Mabkhout, Source: The National
The third most diligent players scored did not come from the European continent. Ali Mabkhout a Aljazira striker who played in the Champions United Arab Emirates.

The 26-year-old striker scored 31 goals from 22 matches throughout 2016. Ali is one scary bomber in the United Arab Emirates League.

Together with his country, the United Arab Emirates national team, Ali scored 36 goals from 46 matches since 2012. The sharpness makes Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger is rumored to be recruited in January 2017.

4. Lionel Messi
Lionel Messi, Source: Forbes
Winner of five titles Ballon d'Or, Lionel Messi in the next sequence. The number of goals Barcelona striker was the same as printed Ronaldo, the 31 goals.

However, Messi require 34 games to score 31 goals. Meanwhile, Ronaldo only needed 30 matches.

Messi scored 12 goals in the period August to December 2016. He noted scored three assists from 24 opportunities it creates.

La Pulga --sapaan familiar Messi-- release 64 kick that threaten the opponent's goal. The percentage of success kick off a goal by 57 percent.

5. Gonzalo Higuan
Gonzalo Higuan, Source: Soccer
The Argentine striker, Gonzalo Higuain became one frightening bomber in 2016. Together with Napoli and Juventus, he scored 29 goals.

While still with Napoli in January to May, Pipita capable of scoring 17 goals. While with Juventus, he is capable of scoring 12 goals from 21 appearances.

Still with Juventus, both feet equally well Higuain to score. The left foot Higuain has scored six goals, while the right leg also has recorded six goals.

6. Sergio Aguero
Sergio Aguero, Source: Sky Sport
The last player to become a scoring machine in 2016 is the Manchester City striker, Sergio Aguero. Of the 30 games, the Argentine national team player scored 27 goals.

Since Pep Guardiola coached at the start of 2016/17 season, Aguero could have scored 10 goals in 12 appearances in the Premier League. He was also able to create 12 chances in the opponent's penalty box.

The 28-year-old striker has advantages in terms of dribbling. He managed to do 34 dribel of 54 occasions. That means, Aguero success in the dribble by 63 percent.
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Assad Says Thank You Putin And Russia Already Help Release Aleppo

The residents of Aleppo carrying the Syrian flag to celebrate the liberation of the cities along the Syrian army, Source: Reuteurs
Grownnews: Damaskus - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad thanked Russia and President Vladimir Putin for his help in liberating Aleppo from the group which he calls "terrorists". Assad called Putin a day after Damascus claimed full control of Aleppo region.

"The two sides discussed during the telephone conversation, discussed the political process in Syria. President al-Assad thanked President Putin and Russia as the main ally of Syria who contributed along with other allies to liberate Aleppo, "Syria's state news agency, SANA, Saturday (12/24/2016) cites the results of a telephone conversation between the two leaders.

"President Assad said the victory in Aleppo pave the way for political work in Syria, (Assad), adding that they will encourage many parties that hinder the political process to join the political track and reconciliation," said SANA report. The details of a telephone conversation between Putin and Assad has also been released Kremlin. "This success became possible, because of the joint efforts of all those who shut down (gap) in the fight against international terrorism in Syria," the statement Kremlin press service.

"The main task now is to concentrate efforts on issues to promote a peaceful settlement, particularly the agreement concluded a comprehensive settlement of the Syrian crisis," the statement said quoting Putin. Earlier on Friday, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu reported to Putin that the militants had withdrawn from Aleppo. "The operation was carried out on the instructions of your close collaboration with colleagues Turkey and Iran. Now the next stage is to follow. We have come close to reaching full agreement on ceasefire in Syria, "said Shoigu.

Aleppo, one of the largest city of Syria who became the main battleground in the war between President Assad loyalist forces with the rebels who tried to overthrow the Assad regime since 2012. The fierce battle over the years has resulted in many deaths and destruction in Aleppo.


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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Russia: Syrian Regime And Rebels Agree To Ceasefire

Suriah City, Source: Forbes
Grownnews: Syirian - Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced a ceasefire between the Syrian government with rebel forces. Similarly, as reported news agency TASS. "A new report just received that a few hours ago No progress has been so long we wanted and we are trying to do," said Putin as quoted by CNN, Thursday (12/29/2016).

"Three documents have been signed. The ceasefire between the Syrian government and the opposition is the first point. The second point, a package of measures to control the ceasefire, while the third, a declaration to enter peace talks in Syria," he added. Previous Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Russia and Turkey will be the guarantor of the agreement signed by the Syrian government and the opposition.

The success of national rated truce would depend on how wayward factions involved in the fighting to lay down arms. The Syrian regime is currently supported by a group of Iraq, Iran, and Lebanon.

Throughout this month, Turkey and Russia has several times tried to realize the cooperation of a ceasefire agreement in the city of Aleppo. But many of them failed and the latter managed by the possibility of evacuation of tens of thousands of Aleppo which has been under rebel control for more than four years. Now, the situation in Aleppo has been different. Syrian regime managed to re-take the city.

Turkey and Russia basically has a different view associated regime of Bashar al-Assad. Last month, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that his forces entered Syria to help end the Assad regime.

While on the other hand, Russia is Assad's strongest ally. Red Bear country has been directly involved in fighting in Syria through air strikes since 2015. United States (US), is not involved in the cooperation agreement this truce. Turkey and Russia touted to "get rid" of the US leading an international coalition to fight ISIS in Syria and against the Assad regime.

Russia have accused the US of arming terrorist organizations. Later, a similar accusation also leveled Turkey. In a separate incident, the US authorities in Syria said that ISIS leader, Abu Jandal al-Kuwaiti was killed by coalition air strikes on Monday. His figure is called part of a group who recaptured the ancient city of Palmyra.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

10 Fastest Cars In The World Years 2016

Illustration Fastest Car In The World
Grownnews: Washington DC - In the automotive world is already experiencing increased very quickly, this is evidenced by the many kinds of types of cars that are in the world. Even today a lot of people around the world much like a car that has a high speed. Therefore, many automakers around the world are creating a car car with very high engine performance and design that is very sporty and luxurious.

For when it's already a lot of some kind kind fastest car in the world with specifications that make us shake his head. Of course, with cars like the features highly advanced features and also security features that exceed the other car by car. Price is on offer in a fast car is also on the tag of the numbers that are very expensive, considering the car this car has an speeds above average and also look very luxurious at all.

Maybe my friend has a lot of automotive who know or are not familiar with the car world's fastest cars like Bugatti which has a top speed that makes us shake his head. Obviously there are many more types of types of the fastest cars that already exist in the world, perhaps only those people who have a lot of dollars to be able to have the car in the world cepet sob. And it also has to think two times, because not everyone can have the rich because only tesedia mobl be some units and the process is too difficult.

Although the price tag of the fastest cars in the world are very expensive, but car enthusiasts who have a high top speed which is a lot, especially the men who most once were interested. Maybe my friend already knows a lot of automotive some of the fastest cars, but there are also who do not know, for the uninitiated automotive pal. Automotive buddy can see articles 10 Fastest Cars In The World is already reviewed by Grownnews below, check it out:

1. Hannessey Venom GT
Hannessey Venom GT, Source: Forbes
To row of the fastest car in the first world is the Hennessey Venom GT, a car that comes from America is already a record-breaking ioni mobit the previous fastest Bugatti Veyron Super Sport. The fastest car in the world did have the engines 7:01 (427ci) LSX Twin Turbocharged V8-1,244 hp (horsepower) with a transmission mode Ricardo 6-Speed Manual. Having tertsebut engine makes the car Hennessey Venom GT is able to achieve a top speed of 270.49 MPH (435.3KM / JAM) with acceleration of 62 MPH (100 KM / hour) in 2.4 seconds.

2. Bugatti Veyron Super Sport
Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, Source: Forbes
Maybe my friend automotive already knows a lot about the greatness of Vyeron Bugatti Super Sport, this car is one of the fastest cars in the world after the Hennessey Venom GT. The car is very well known indeed have the price miyaran rupiah, with have the price reaches billions of rupiah. Vyeron Bugatti Super sport has an engine performance is also very fast. The car uses a 8.0 L engine with type W16, 64 VALVE, DOHC, quad-turbocharged and intercooled, direct injection with a full capacity of 798 cc. This machine is capable of reaching a top speednya of 253 MPH.

3. SSC Ultimate Aero
SSC Ultimate Aero, Source: Forbes
SSC Ultimate Aero is one of the fastest cars Yangdi created by America in TriCities, Wasingthon. Cars that have the new engine with a capacity of 6.345 L with a V-8 engine turbo-powered twin 1,183 hp. This car is capable of generating power up to 1,007 kW (1.369PS) with maxsimal speed 412 KM / Hour. Cars coming from America has indeed been upgraded with interior and exterior look more sporty and luxurious than ever before. SSC Ultimate Aero was ranked third in the category of fastest car in the world after Vyeron Bugatti Super sport.

4. Koenigsegg CCR
Koenigsegg CCR, Source: Forbes
Cars that have the design already uses a highly advanced technology and features that are very modern, making this car in baderol the price is quite expensive, which reached hundreds of billions. In the car Koenigsegg CCR also has an engine with type 4.8 L, V8, DOHC, 4 valves, and twin supercharger. With these machines have the Koenigsegg CCR is able to generate power of 1.01 bhp with a torque that produced 1.0180 Nm. CCRnya Koenigsegg and the acceleration of 0-100 KM / hour in 2.9 seconds and reaches a top speednya 410+ KM / Hour (254+ MPH).

5. McLaren F1
McLaren F1, Source: Forbes
Who is not familiar with the McLaren F1 car, this car is a legendary car that is already very well known until now. The McLaren F1 is one of the fastest cars in the world after Koeingsegg CCR. Yamg car has an engine of type BMW S70 / 2 60 Degre V12, capable of reaching a speed of 386 KM / hour or 240 MPH with aklerasi 1-100 KM / h in 3.2 seconds ime. With such performance memili make this car at a price tag that is quite expensive tablets sob. Very luxurious design and technology in a very cangih use, making the price becomes expensive.

6. Aston Martin One-77
Aston Martin One-77, Source: Forbes
Aston Martin is one fairly well-known car manufacturers, manufacturers from Britons has indeed been making cars Aston Martin One-77. This English manufacturer only produces the car is only 77 units with sales value in a tag of $ 1.8 million and when the rupiahkan reach 16 billion rupiah.Mobil is already in the Arm with a 7.3 L engine type, 12 Valve is capable of producing torque 420 lb-ft or 5750 rpm denagn horsepoer 700 hp. The car uses a system of six-speed manual transmission and automatic and has a top sped of 200 mph with a ph 0-60 acceleration in 3.5 seconds.

7. Jaguar XJ2
Jaguar XJ2, Source: National
Jaguar XJ220 is a car which is made in an amount not many da very exclusive, but it is also not everyone can have. Prices were in the official price is also very expensive and have the features that are already technologically very advanced at all. Later this XJ22o Jaguar has an engine with twin turbo V6-type with 542 hp that is capable mnecapai top speed to 217 mph or also 347.2 KM / hour with acceleration of 0-60 KM / hour in 4.0 seconds. Performance in Milki by Jaguar XJ220 has become one of the fastest cars in the world and have the price is quite expensive.

8. McLaren P1
McLaren P1
British car production of this does have the design of a very luxurious and sporty indeed have become the hallmark of the McLaren P1. Features of the features found in the car was able to make everyone shook their heads, because its design is remarkable sob. Moreover, the sector is very highly luxurious interior, but it is also on this car has an engine that tifak less great with the other car's fastest car. to have the type V8 engine, 3.8 Ltwin turbo 3800 cc, the engine is able to achieve a top speed of 217 mph or 349 KM / hour with acceleration from 0-100 KM / hour in 2.8 seconds.

9. Ferrari LaFerrari
Ferrari LaFerrari, Source: Forbes
Of course, all have a lot of automotive buddy who knows the greatness of cars from italy this one, Ferrari Laferrai the fastest car that has been made by Ferrari. Cars that have a high price indeed have the performance of a very tough and the machine is in use on this car-type V12, 6.3 L at Collaborate with hybrid engines bertenag lixtrik. By having the car engine is capable of producing a very powerful and has an acceleration from 0-100 KM / Jam It only takes 3 seconds with a top speed of 350 KM / HOUR.

10. Ferrari Enzo
Ferrari Enzo, Source: Forbes
Next up is the Ferrari Enzo, Ferrari cars made from this one was no less great with Ferrari LaFerrari. Even in terms of appearance, interior and performance is tadak less good, ferrari enzo is one of the fastest cars in the world that has an engine type F140, V12, 4 valves, DOHC, with a fuel injection system Bosch Motronic ME7, the machine is capable of producing power by speednya top 350 KM / HOUR or even 217 mph. With a top speed of thinking about it, of course, can not imagine seberap italy kencangnya this car.

It is remarkable not the performance of the engine performance in the 10 car, probably automotive buddy can not imagine how fast the speed of the speed in the car. From some of the fastest cars in the world above is tadak everyone can have one of these cars, because not everyone can drive the fastest car in the world and it is also my price tag of the figures that are expensive very expensive. 10 this car is very very make us shake his head.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Heartline Russian Ambassador About The Colleague Who Shot In Turkey

Russia's ambassador to Indonesia, Michael Y Galuzin pose in one corner of his residence in Jakarta, Friday (26/06/2015). Galuzin share stories with while in Indonesia, Source: National
Grownnews: Jakarta -  Russia's ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, was gunned down while delivering his speech at an event sponsored photo exhibition of the Embassy on Monday, December 19, 2016. The actors wore elegant suits suits, had shouted, "Do not Forget Aleppo" before firing bullets into the victim's direction. Later he was identified as Mevlut Mert Altintas, riot police members who were not on duty.

The shooting was condemned Russian President Vladimir Putin and Presien Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Although the two countries different attitudes about Syria, later relations between Moscow and between increasingly powerful. Post-shooting, President Putin instructed the tight security at a number of representative offices around the world, including in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The departure of Andrey Karlov also be grief Russian Ambassador to Indonesia, Mikhail Galuzin. With grieving expression, he tells a story with Karlov. Ambassador Galuzin said last met Andrey in the middle of this year. They met in the entire conference Russian ambassador throughout the world in Moscow.

But the Communication itself with very intensive Andrey happened nine years ago. At that time, Galuzin still serving in Japan. "I recall Andrey when he visited Tokyo in 2007. I was then the deputy Russian ambassador to Japan," he said.

Who Was Fethullah Gullen?

Fethullah Gullen, Source: WorldNews
Grownnews: Ankara - Fethullah Gulen and Erdogan there were old friends. Conflict between the two began sticking in 2010. At that time Gulen strongly criticized Erdogan's government that supports the delivery of the ship Mavi Marmara to break the blockade of the Gaza Strip in 2010. Then, in 2013, Gulen, who led the popular movement (Hizmet) Erdogan accused of widespread corruption. Gulen who was born in 27 April 1941 it is the most influential scholars and has the most followers in Turkey. For Erdogan, he is a tough opponent.

Gulen group is also referred to as a rival state due to the development, the movement spread to all lines in Turkey, including in state institutions, such as the military, police and judiciary. The influence of the Gulen movement is touted reached levels threaten the sovereignty of Turkey or simply called no state within a state.

Gulen movement initially focused on education. He built a network of schools in Turkey and foreign countries, such as Central Asia, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Its peak occurred after a military coup in 1980. At that time he had the full support of the military government to continue to expand influence in Turkey and abroad.

Gulen now has recorded more than 1,500 educational institutions of all levels and 15 colleges spread across some 140 countries. His movement was called has been transformed into a conglomerate that penetrated various fields including education, economic, and media.

Russian: Do Not Hurry Summing Problem

The Gunmen Were Russian Ambassador To Turkey, Source: AP / Burhan Ozbilici
Grownnews: Moskwa - Related to the shooting Karlov, Russia has sent 18 investigators to Turkey. The two sides agreed to cooperate, something unprecedented between Erdogan and President Vladimir Putin.

Russian team arrived in Ankara on Tuesday. They spent the day at the scene after earlier witness the autopsy. But until now, the Kremlin has not cast any statements. Moreover, as the mastermind behind the murder Gulen offensive.

"In this case, it is not feasible to rush convey conclusions until the investigation revealed truth, thus the message of our president," said Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov as published Meanwhile, other facts revealed. Hurriyet daily load in the report, Altintas was never escorted Erdogan as much as eight times the post-coup.

According to the Anadolu news agency, Altintas twice in sick on July 15th. But it is unclear exactly what he was doing. He is also known in sick on the same day when the shooting occurred Karlov. Letters written by the pain of the same doctor.

Since July 15, 2016 coup, Turkey has several times urged the United States (US) to extradite Gulen. But Uncle Sam has not moved to do so.


President Erdogan: Fethullah Gulen Figure Behind Shooting Russian Ambassador

President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Source: Reuters
Grownnews: Ankara - President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed that he did not have the slightest doubt that the gunmen were Russian Ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov associated with Fethullah Gulen-led organization.

The assertion Erdogan came 48 hours after the shooting Karlov by Mevlut Mert Altintas at an art gallery in Ankara. The 22-year-old boy was a riot policeman who was not on duty when carrying out the action.

"There is no reason to hide that he (Altintas) is a network member of feto - nicknamed Turkey for Gulen organization they claim to be terrorists. The whole connection, from where he got the education to their relationships, all of which lead to Feto," Erdogan said, as reported by The New York Times, Thursday (12/22/2016).

Thus, Turkey has twice appointed Gulen network for masterminding the murder of Karlov. Earlier, a member of the Turkish parliament from the ruling party (AKP), Kani Torun also mentioned the same thing.

"According to preliminary findings, he is not one who has been to Syria, and it is highly unlikely he had established contact with groups in Syria," said Torun, who also serves as deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee for foreign affairs.

"Thus, the only possible perpetrator of this attack is Feto. They have been very active in the police. Although the group has removed many of the police, we are sure they can do a suicide bomb attack like this," he said. Gulen himself has lived in exile in Pennsylvania, United States of America (USA) since 1999. He condemned the killing and denied any involvement.

"I condemn this heinous act of terror powerful. No act of terror is justified, regardless of background actors and goals he has set," Gulen said. Gulen spokesman called the allegations even Turkey was nonsense to distract from the lack of security in the capital of Turkey.

Not only is accused of orchestrating the shooting of the Russian ambassador, Feto also called the Turkish government is responsible for the coup on July 15, 2016 and which aims to overthrow Erdogan.

Since then Feto has dealt a hard or in any other language "cleansed" of any space in various sectors in Turkey. But in a statement, Erdogan said that the murder of Mr Karlov indicates that Gulen supporters still present in the structure of the key security and cleanup efforts need to be continued.

"I have to say clearly, this dirty organization still exist in the military, the police," said Erdogan was quoted as saying Without giving further details, he mentioned the possibility of "foreign connection" linked to murder plot Karlov.

Turkish authorities have also arrested more than 100 journalists closed dozens of media. Repressive measures are unprecedented.


3 Expression Wrath Over Israel Criticism UNSC And The US Stance

PM Of  Israel Benjamin Natanyahu, Source: Wikipedia
Grownnews: Tel Avin -  Israel could not mask his anger at its closest ally, the United States (US). Because the United States abstained in the voting in the Security Council (UNSC) United Nations to decide the fate of settlement construction in Jerusalem and the West Bank. The US attitude paved the way for 14 other UN Security Council members unanimously passed the resolution. Israel asked to immediately and completely halt settlement construction in the Palestinian territories they occupied.

In its resolution, the Security Council stressed that the construction of Israeli measures contrary to international law. The voting itself was held on charges of four countries, namely Venezuela, Senegal, New Zealand, and Malaysia. Earlier, Egypt has also joined with the four countries. But lately Israel lobby and Donald Trump made the Pyramid State retract his proposal.

Israel angry abysmal response to the resolution. There was a long wait, the country's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediately took a number of steps as a form of protest.

Quoted from a variety of sources, following the Israeli reaction on UN Security Council resolutions related to the construction of illegal Jewish settlements, check it out:

1. Attractive Ambassador
 PM Netanyahu is reported to have summoned the Israeli ambassadors in New Zealand and Senegal to consult the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. Both countries including the party that initiated the birth of the decision.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu's spokesman, David Keys, explained that it had requested that the planned visit Senegal's foreign minister to Israel in three weeks' time to be canceled. It turned out that anger Israel also impact on the affairs of assistance. PM Netanyahu is reported to have ordered that all aid to Senegal canceled.

2. Stop Funding To UN
 Israel did not remain silent after the "beaten" UN Security Council resolution which ordered a halt to settlement construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. PM Netanyahu is said to have ordered that the country attract funding to the five United Nations agencies.

Speaking through a speech that aired on television, the Israeli Prime Minister said that his government is currently holding nearly $ 8 million in funding for a number of UN agencies. But he was reluctant to mention names of these institutions. Netanyahu also said that there are steps that will be done. Again he was not willing to explain it.

3. Calling The US Ambassador
 Perhaps the most made Israel angry is the attitude of the US which abstained until the UN Security Council passes resolution. PM Netanyahu is reported to have summoned the US ambassador to Israel, Daniel Shapiro to discuss the policy of Uncle Sam. There has been no explanation of exactly when the two meetings held. Neither the State Department nor the Israeli prime minister's office did not give any confirmation.

Besides calling the US ambassador, Israel also summoned 14 foreign representatives - some call it the other 10. But some reports say diplomats did not meet the call. Netanyahu himself has been confirmed, it would not comply with UN Security Council resolutions.

"Israel rejects the UN resolution shameful anti-Israel, we will not abide by the results," said Israeli Prime Minister was quoted as saying by the BBC. On other occasions he said he had spoken with "friends" of Israel in the US either from Republicans or Democrats. Netanyahu admitted and can not wait for the new US administration which will be captained by Trump.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Six Of The Most Luxurious Hotels In The World At The Airport

Illustrations Airport Hotels
Grownnews: New York - By order to support the needs of passengers traveling by plane, many airports now provide a hotel to rest. However, with development time, airport hotel was developed to be more modern. Not infrequently, supporting facilities at this airport hotel was very luxurious at the five-star hotel in general.

Of the many airport hotels are spread across the world, there are some that have the most luxurious facilities. Hotel Where are they? Launch CNN, Sunday (12/25/2016) the following review, check it out:
1. Crowne Plaza, Changi Airport
Airport Hotels Crowne Plaza
Hotel located in the Changi airport has facilities like luxury hotels in general. Guests staying can pamper yourself at the spa, fitness center to the swimming pool designed like a tropical forest.

2. Dubai International Hotel, Abu Dhabi Airport
Airport Hotels Dubai International
Guests who choose to rest at the hotel will be awarded prizes in a huge bouquet arrival. The bouquet contains some snacks such as chocolate, beverages to a selection of cakes that can be enjoyed during the stay.
3. Fairmont, Vancouver Airport
Airport Hotels, Fairmont
The hotel is located in the Vancouver airport, Canada. Each room has a direct view of the runway so that aircraft could see planes coming in and taking off all the time.

4. Grand Hyatt, Forth Worth Airport
Airport Hotels, Grand Hyatt
The hotel is located in Dallas, United States. In addition to the five-star luxury facilities, this hotel is also famous for the restaurant that was filled with bottles of wine.

5. Hilton, Bandara Munich
Airport Hotels, Hilton
Airport Munich in Germany has a airport hotel that works with hotel chains Hilton. Some of the existing facilities at the hotel include an indoor pool, sauna, to the fitness center.

6. Langham Place, Bandara Beijing
Airport Hotels, Langham Place
Adjacent to Terminal 3 of Beijing International Airport, stands a hotel named Langham Place. Hotel with five star amenities offers the best service for passengers who want to rest.



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