Monday, December 26, 2016

Who Was Fethullah Gullen?

Fethullah Gullen, Source: WorldNews
Grownnews: Ankara - Fethullah Gulen and Erdogan there were old friends. Conflict between the two began sticking in 2010. At that time Gulen strongly criticized Erdogan's government that supports the delivery of the ship Mavi Marmara to break the blockade of the Gaza Strip in 2010. Then, in 2013, Gulen, who led the popular movement (Hizmet) Erdogan accused of widespread corruption. Gulen who was born in 27 April 1941 it is the most influential scholars and has the most followers in Turkey. For Erdogan, he is a tough opponent.

Gulen group is also referred to as a rival state due to the development, the movement spread to all lines in Turkey, including in state institutions, such as the military, police and judiciary. The influence of the Gulen movement is touted reached levels threaten the sovereignty of Turkey or simply called no state within a state.

Gulen movement initially focused on education. He built a network of schools in Turkey and foreign countries, such as Central Asia, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Its peak occurred after a military coup in 1980. At that time he had the full support of the military government to continue to expand influence in Turkey and abroad.

Gulen now has recorded more than 1,500 educational institutions of all levels and 15 colleges spread across some 140 countries. His movement was called has been transformed into a conglomerate that penetrated various fields including education, economic, and media.

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