Saturday, January 7, 2017

6 List Of Medicinal Plants Cancer And How To Use It

Illustrations Cancer
Grownnews: Jakarta - Types of herbs is so much. The plants are able to cure the disease from lightweight to heavy-weight, and even treat cancer. Efficacy should not be questioned, because it is free from chemicals. For you who were sought to seek the best cancer treatment, the following is a list of plants that are used as a cure for cancer, here's how to use it, check it out:

1. Catharanthus Roseus
Catharanthus Roseus
Vinca leaves or in Latin is known Catharanthus roseus has healing properties and prevent breast cancer. The results showed that periwinkle vinca alkaloid compounds containing 2, vincristine and vinblastine. Both these compounds play an active role in inhibiting the development of cancer cells in the body. So it does not necessarily damage the normal cells located around the growth of cancer cells. In the Sumatra area, vinca leaves itself more known with alang grass. In addition to treating breast cancer, this leaves is also useful for the treatment of bronchial cancer and other malignant tumors.

How to create a potion:
To make it pretty easy, provide 22 sheet vinca leaves, bark and fruit pulasari fennel. Boil all ingredients together 3 cups of water while laced with brown sugar to neutralize bitterness. Wait until the water remaining half, then strain the drink lift. Consumption routinely as a treatment for a month.

2. White Turmeric
White Turmeric
White turmeric is composed of two types, the first white turmeric gombyok or pepet. Turmeric this type efficacious cure diarrhea or dysentery, while the second s is white turmeric Curcuma flavorful mango. This type is used by herbalists as a treatment of cancer and tumors. These herbs cancer drug, is known to contain inacting ribosome protein (RIP), anti-oxidant, and anti curcumin. RIP is efficacious knocked out and kill cancer cells without damaging surrounding tissue. While anti-oxidant role of gene damage and anti curcumin as an anti-inflammatory or inflammatory. The benefit also was diverse, ranging from the treatment of liver cancer, breast, cervix, lung, and heart and cholesterol.

How to create a potion:
1 teaspoon freshly white turmeric added 100cc warm water. Endapkan this herb, then drink the water alone. For the treatment, it is better to consume as much as 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, and evening). As for prevention, can consume 1 time a day at bedtime. Perform routine for maximum results.

3. Parasite
Parasite often said to be a nuisance plant useless. In fact now the parasite has properties that are very unusual. Compounds in the parasite are known to inhibit the growth of cancer cells malignancy.

How to create a potion:
Parasite boiled into a tea and consumed daily. This tea is excellent used as a supporting drug while undergoing chemotherapy (treatment with anti-cancer drugs).

4. Taro Mice
Taro Mice
Rodent tuber is the scientific term for the rodent tuber efficacious stop and treat cancer overall.

How to create a potion:
How to use herbs cancer is fairly easy. Soak the plant for 30 minutes 3 mice taro stems and leaves, less than about 50 grams. Mash until smooth then squeeze the rat taro stems. Make filtering and consume on a daily basis.

5. Leaves Of The Gods
Leaves Of The Gods
This plant has been known as an anti-cancer since long before modern medicine develops. Anti-cancer herb derived from the leaves of the gods, can raciK pet alone in the kitchen.

How to create a potion:
- First of all, provide 30 grams of fresh leaves of the gods, 20 grams of white ginger, 30 grams of Jombang. Boil all ingredients together with 600 cc of water, wait until the water remaining half. Then strain the cooking water to extract the starch consumed every day.

- There are other ways, provide 30 grams of fresh leaves of the gods, 30 grams of fresh leaves of periwinkle, pearl grass 30 grams, 30 grams grass snake tongue. Put all the ingredients together with 1000 cc of water, then boiled until the water remaining half. Strain all ingredients and add honey to neutralize the bitter taste, moderation. Stir the mixture and consumption while still warm.

6. Noni
So much research done to know the benefits of the noni fruit. Even some global health company began producing the extract of noni. Meat noni dammacanthel or known to contain anti-cancer drugs. These compounds play an active role against abnormal cells when entering the pre-cancerous stage. Not only that, dammacanthel was efficacious prevent the development of cancer cells.

How to create a potion:
Pretty easy to make these anti-cancer herbs, squeeze 2 or 3 of noni. Add a few drops of honey to add delicious flavor to it. Consumption of the juice on a daily basis. It is better to choose not too ripe noni, to avoid the alcohol content is high enough. Alcohol due to fermentation in the ripe noni can damage vital substances in noni fruit itself.

Already know is not some list of plants as medicines for cancer and how to use it? Try to mix their own ingredients at home to guarantee their cleanliness. For those who want to prevent any cancer, there is no harm in taking some herbs on top. Because you do not know how devastating the brunt of the cancer when it is diagnosed. Growing too fast without leaving time for you to think the best treatment.

Therefore, do not forget to apply a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid harmful free radicals. You certainly do not want youth to be wasted just because the blow of chronic disease is not it? Begin to change eating habits and life that ignores the body's health. Reduce your intake of alcohol and cigarettes are often performed. You can start adding a list of plants as medicines for cancer and how to use it for daily consumption.

The existence of Herbs For Cancer Drugs in Indonesia
Indonesia as an agricultural country turned out to have a list of plants as a cancer drug. No wonder that so many common herbal medicine using herbs or plants that formulated itself. Access is so easy, it can meet the required prescription medication Call it saffron, ginger and brotowali that has been well-known to foreign countries, in Indonesia all the ingredients are very easy to find.

There is no need to take expensive treatment abroad, if Indonesia alone has thousands of efficacious drugs. We ourselves can even try it with a meager budget, including mixes. You could plant some pharmacies living at home with a spacious yard minimal. Especially now that we know the hydroponic cultivation techniques, that do not take land area. In fact you can grow it in pots located in the yard.

~~~ Thank You All ~~~


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