Thursday, December 29, 2016

Russia: Syrian Regime And Rebels Agree To Ceasefire

Suriah City, Source: Forbes
Grownnews: Syirian - Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced a ceasefire between the Syrian government with rebel forces. Similarly, as reported news agency TASS. "A new report just received that a few hours ago No progress has been so long we wanted and we are trying to do," said Putin as quoted by CNN, Thursday (12/29/2016).

"Three documents have been signed. The ceasefire between the Syrian government and the opposition is the first point. The second point, a package of measures to control the ceasefire, while the third, a declaration to enter peace talks in Syria," he added. Previous Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Russia and Turkey will be the guarantor of the agreement signed by the Syrian government and the opposition.

The success of national rated truce would depend on how wayward factions involved in the fighting to lay down arms. The Syrian regime is currently supported by a group of Iraq, Iran, and Lebanon.

Throughout this month, Turkey and Russia has several times tried to realize the cooperation of a ceasefire agreement in the city of Aleppo. But many of them failed and the latter managed by the possibility of evacuation of tens of thousands of Aleppo which has been under rebel control for more than four years. Now, the situation in Aleppo has been different. Syrian regime managed to re-take the city.

Turkey and Russia basically has a different view associated regime of Bashar al-Assad. Last month, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that his forces entered Syria to help end the Assad regime.

While on the other hand, Russia is Assad's strongest ally. Red Bear country has been directly involved in fighting in Syria through air strikes since 2015. United States (US), is not involved in the cooperation agreement this truce. Turkey and Russia touted to "get rid" of the US leading an international coalition to fight ISIS in Syria and against the Assad regime.

Russia have accused the US of arming terrorist organizations. Later, a similar accusation also leveled Turkey. In a separate incident, the US authorities in Syria said that ISIS leader, Abu Jandal al-Kuwaiti was killed by coalition air strikes on Monday. His figure is called part of a group who recaptured the ancient city of Palmyra.

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