Saturday, January 21, 2017

500 Years Of Sleep, Gunung Api "Supervolcano" Italy Back On

Supervulcano Italy
Grownnews: Naples - After nearly 500 years of sleep, the volcano 'supervolcano' known as the Campi Flegrei or Phlegraean Fields, located beneath the city of Naples, Italy, is now showing signs of re-active. According to a research report from quoted on Thursday (22/12/2016), the volcano it was nearing the point of pressure lutusan the case could lead to 'small doomsday' for 500 thousand people living in the region.

Campi Flegrai actually a type of large cratered volcano, 13 kilometers, which is almost entirely located in the sea. Volcano it also does not have a peak, but rather a large cavity containing magma. That's what causes Campi Flegrei that can erupt at any time, pose a very dangerous threat. Not only for the residents around the region, but also globally.

Meanwhile after conducting a study of French and Italian scientists from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Bologna, found signs of increased activity of magma beneath the Earth's surface can trigger the release of gases and hazardous liquids. According to a statement from the head of research, Giovanni Chiodini, it also can cause the hot steam around volcanic rocks.

"Hydrothermal rock, if heated, could lose their mechanical resistance and cause acceleration of the onset of critical conditions that harm," said Chiodini AFP in an email. For a time, Chiodini could not be sure whether the Campi Flegrei will erupt or not. But if the volcano explodes, then it will make local residents are in great danger.

Meanwhile, scientists reported that the Campi Flegrei is constantly increasing activity since 2005. This makes the Italian government improve hazard warnings in 2012, from green to yellow. That suggests the need for active scientific monitoring of the activities of Campi Flegrei.

The volcano last erupted in 1538, on a smaller scale and lasted for eight days. Campi Flegrei caldera formed about 40 thousand years ago, after a major eruption makes rbuan kilo meters of lava, rocks and debris in the air meyembur. The blast was the biggest eruption in Europe in 200 thousand years.

A theory suggests that the eruption is exactly what led to the extinction of the Neanderthals - the genus Homo derived from the Pleistocene and living in Eurasia. Location Campi Flegrei is located not far from Mount Vesuvius. The volcano erupted explosively on August 24, 79. Hot clouds, hail, and smoldering ashes buried Pompeii and, tragically, to capture the last moments of people in it.

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