Saturday, January 21, 2017

Scientists Find Hints At "Doomsday" There On Earth

L2 Puppis found in torn condition, which give clues about the fate of the end for the Sun and the Earth's (ESO)
Grownnews: Berlin - Five billion years from now, the Sun 'apocalypse'. Doomsday. After exhaust their fuel, the Sun will start to burn the elements heavier in the fusion core. When this process occurs, the Sun will 'swell', he is also going to spew most of the constituent material into space via a stellar wind (stellar winds) are blowing hard.

Imagine, then Sun will expand about 100 times greater than today, be what is known as the 'red giant'. The dramatic expansion will create two nearby planets, Mercury and Venus so 'victimizing'. So, what will happen to the Earth? Is the human planet, who is the third planet from the Sun - would meet the same fate as Venus and Mercury are swallowed by a sea of ​​super-hot plasma?

Or, if the Earth would escape the most terrible phase of upheaval deaths and continues to orbit the red dwarf star to the left of Sun? "We already know that the Sun will expand and increasingly light (when entering red giant phase). That condition would probably destroy all forms of life in our planet, "said Leen Decin, from KU Leuven Institute of Astronomy in a statement, as quoted from the site science, Sunday (12/11/2016). Or in other words, human beings, animals, and plants
disappeared. Earth is no longer blue. That the remaining core only. Parched.

"However, whether a rocky core of Earth will survive the red giant phase
and continued orbiting white dwarfs? " With the help of the most powerful radio observatory on the planet, the astronomers were able soon have a clue about the fate of the Earth - by looking at the nearest star system which resembles the approximate shape of our solar system when the sun began heading his final moments.

L2 Puppis star is evolved, which is in a distance of more than 200 light years from Earth. 1 A light year is equal to 9460 billion kilometers. Although the existence of L2 Puppis feels much, actually he was at our cosmic doorstep.

Using the Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile.
Through the precise measurement of the star, astronomers have
deduce the mass and age.
L2 Puppis star system, after the 'twinning' The sun was dead. Credit: P. Kervella et al. (CNRS / U. De Chile / Observatoire de Paris / Lesia / ESO / ALMA)
It turns out L2 Puppis is a Sun-like star now aged 10 billion years. He is also a prime example of the process of forming nebula planet. As well as the fate of the Sun in 5 billion years from now, L2 Puppis in conditions ripped and torn, spraying large amounts of gas into space. The process creates a large luminous cloud and privileged glimpse planetary nebula looks like a cosmic butterfly beautiful.

"We discovered that the L2 Puppis, about 10 billion years old," Ward said Homan also from KU Leuven. "Five billion a year earlier, the star looks like a twin of the Sun at this time, with a mass similar. However, a third of its mass is lost during the evolution of stars. The same thing will happen with the sun."

Not only that. Based on a recent study published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, L2 Puppis, also seems to have planets in tow - a distance of about 300 million kilometers. Although the distance is twice the distance of Earth's orbit to the Sun, but scientists can see incredible things where a world orbiting a star that was dead.

It is at once an indication of what remains of the Earth in a few billion years. Scientists hope to learn of the unfortunate planet - a silent witness and victim 'anger' that occurs in L2 Puppis.

"Five billion years from now, the Sun will swell into a red giant star, hundreds of times larger than its current size," says Decin. "He will also undergo intense mass loss through the brunt of strong stellar winds." The end product of that evolution, 7 billion years from now, is a white dwarf star. "The size is similar to Earth, but more severe: a teaspoon of white dwarf material that weighs about 5 tons." Astronomers often at the stars - using the tools of course - to better understand our position in the galaxy.

In this case, they glimpse into the future and a key part of the life cycle of a star like our sun. Astronomers have also witnessed in the real sense of doom that could happen to the Sun - a colossal event that leaves the carcass of a star can swallow planets around it.

And although Earth may not be immersed in the bubbling hell in the shape of a swollen it, life would not be left in the human planet. What's left of Earth is a rocky core that has been peeled and roasted great. Perhaps, that's the picture of doom for the human planet.

Until When Earth Survive?
A study by the University of East Anglia, England estimates, the Earth is still capable of sustaining life at least 1.75 billion years. But the condition, as long as a result of nuclear catastrophe, a giant asteroid impact, and other catastrophes do not occur.

However, even without skrenario doomsday dramatic, astronomy force will force the Earth is no longer habitable. A period of between 1.75 billion and 3.25 years, the Earth will be out of the habitable zone (habitable) in the Solar System to the 'hot zone'.

Zoning is determined by the water. In the habitable zone, a planet - no matter whether he is in the Solar System or alien planet - is within that fit with its star, as a condition of the presence of water. When logging in to the hot zone, the Earth will be closer to the Sun, making the oceans dry. And of course, the conditions of life, including humans, would not be able to survive.
Planet earth is indeed true idyllic. Some photos taken from space into evidence
However, the main concern of researchers, humans suddenly move to another planet without knowing how long the planet can survive. Moreover, the evolution of complex life on Earth requires a long process and not a moment of time. The researchers revealed that simple cells first appeared on Earth nearly 4 billion years ago. "Followed by insects 400 million years ago, dinosaurs 300 million years ago, flowering plants 130 years ago," said lead researcher from the University of East Anglia, Andrew Rushby, such as science site loaded LiveScience. "People with new modern anatomy there are about 200,000 last year. So you see, it takes a very long time for intelligent life to evolve on a planet."

Rushby and his colleagues create a new tool for evaluating the estimated time available for the evolution of life on other planets: models that predict how long the deadline of the planet is in the habitable zone. In a study published in the journal Astrobiology, September 18, 2013, the scientists applied a model of the Earth and eight other planets that are currently in the habitable zone, including Mars.

Based on the calculations, visit Earth in the habitable zone of a maximum stay 7.79 billion years. Meanwhile, other planets have time varies from 1 billion to 54.72 billion years. "If we, humans, are forced to move to another planet. Mars may be the best," Rushby said in a statement. "The distance is relatively close to Earth, and still be in the habitable zone, until life ends Sun. - 6 billion years from now."

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