Saturday, January 21, 2017

Mysteries Of The Ancient City of Abandoned Full Curse Citizens

The ancient city of The City of the Monkey God abandoned by the population in the 16th century due to a curse that strikes their face.
Grownnews: Washington DC - The ancient city of The City of the Monkey God abandoned by the population in the 16th century as a result of a curse. At that time, the city residents attacked a mysterious disease that strikes their face. Whoever the mysterious disease, not some time undoubtedly meat in the nose, lips, and his face fell. Considered a curse, residents were abuzz left the city to be forgotten.

But recently, the archaeologists who examined the ruins of the former city to uncover the cause of the 'curse' is. According to experts, rather than condemned, the ancient city's population actually suffered an outbreak of Leishmaniasis parasite that is transmitted by a type of fly. "Parasist move to the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, then eat the flesh on that part. Your face will be encroached slowly, very painful," said Douglas Preston, who participated in the troupe.

Douglas with a team of explorers and archaeologists mengkeksplorasi previously untouched ruins of Ciudad Blanca unearthed last year. According to preliminary reports, The City of the Monkey God stands between 1000-1500 BC. The city is believed to contain rare artifacts hidden in the basement. The historical record states this ancient city was once considered only told through legends and folklore. For hundreds of years, this ancient city remains hidden in the woods, covered by a thick layer of soil and plants, on the border between Honduras and Nicaragua.

"This discovery has created a lot of excitement for introducing Honduras in the world," said Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez was quoted as saying Ancientcode, Friday (20/01/2017). Experts also managed to find dozens of artifacts hidden in the ruins of this ancient city. In between, the ship is amazing with a handle shaped vulture, a tray with jaguar heads made of clay, and precious stones carved with jaguar form anyway.

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