Saturday, January 21, 2017

Precious Stones Ruby And Sapphire Haze On The Planet?

Illustration HAT-P-7b, Source: University of Warwick
Grownnews: Coventry - A exoplanets - planets outside our solar system-sized kita-- named HAT-P-7b, has a cloud allegedly made of rubies and sapphires. Researchers from the University of Warwick in the UK, said it found when they observed weather patterns planet HAT-P-7b within 1,000 light years from Earth.

According to researchers, it is the first time the giant gas eskoplanet weather patterns are found. They also said, had been watching the clouds with stunning visuals that are likely made of corundum, a mineral found in rubies and sapphires. Although covered by precious stones, HAT-P-7b is not a comfortable place to live. The planet has a system of extreme weather, storms that often hit, and the temperature reaches 2,500 degrees Celsius.

According to research published in Nature Astronomy, HAT-P-7b has a tidal locked, ie, one side always facing the star orbits its place so as to make the other side is always cold. Quoted of VOA, Wednesday (12/14/2016), the researchers were able to see a glow near the equator with wind speeds vary dramatically pushing large amounts of cloud across the planet.

"By using NASA's Kepler satellite, we were able to study the light reflected from the atmosphere HAT-P-7b, and found that the atmosphere was changed from time to time," said David Armstrong in Astrophysics Group Warwick.

"These results indicate that high winds rotating planet, carrying clouds from the dark side to the light side. Wind speed change dramatically, which created the formation of large clouds and then disappear. This is the first detection of the weather in a giant gas planet outside our solar system , "added Armstrong. HAT-P-7b was discovered in 2008. The planet is 500 times larger than Earth and 40 percent bigger than Jupiter, which orbits the star where the size of two times larger than the sun.

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