Saturday, January 7, 2017

Horror For Kids Winter Syria

Syrian refugee children with Angelina Jolie hanker hometown. Winter in Jordan become a threat for them.
Grownnews: Jordan - Stamp sheet of paper containing the baby's legs have been crowded emergency delivery room in Syrian refugee camp in Azraq, Jordan northern region. The papers is the documentation births in the camp. Numbering in the thousands.

"This month (October 2016) there were 120 babies born. And this year there are at least 1,170 babies born here, "said Mitra Salma, the staff of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) representative of Indonesia, in Azraq refugee camp. The number of births also occur in the Zaatari camp, a Syrian refugee camps are also located in Jordan. There, there were 5,000 babies born in the clinic Women and Girls Comprehensive Centre, which is supported by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and is run by Jordanian Health Aid Society.

In total there are 7 doctors, 14 midwives, and nurses at the clinic 6 Zaatari. Babies born at Zaatari also receive UNHCR registration cards and birth certificates Jordan. Documentation to explain the citizenship status of the baby in the future. Even so, the birth certificate issued by UNHCR is not the same as proof of citizenship. According to data from UNHCR, there are 655 831 registered Syrian refugees in Jordan, and 16 thousand of them pregnant at the same time. Some babies were born to mothers under 18 years old.

Partners Salma explained, babies in refugee camps indeed receive priority handling. Therefore, the conditions in the camps are less worthy of the flower-growing baby. Not only babies, toddlers also have equal priority. They need proper environmental conditions and that UNHCR makes a special location for children to play and learn.

Unfortunately, from the monitoring Grownnes, location prepared to learn and play area are not proportional to the number of children in refugee camps. As a result, many children are battered pick mingle in the area of ​​refugee camps. Azraq refugee land area of ​​12 square kilometers of rock is sandy. Almost no plants growing in refugee camps. Strife in Syria is bad for citizens. Many children who lost a parent, not a few women who have lost children and husband. In fact they had to withdraw from the homeland.

UNHCR said Syrian children face nightmares about his future. Many of those who drop out of education. Currently there are at least 385 thousand Syrian children in refugee camps scattered in Jordan. The fate of Syrian refugee children is not without threats. Winter from late October could be a threat.

"The cold weather froze in Jordan usually in January and February. The temperature reached minus 5 degrees (Celsius), "said Nico Adam, Jordan Embassy staff, told Grownnews. This condition, said Adam, could be a serious threat to children in refugee camps. Especially when you see the condition of refugee only tarpaulin-covered and stand on the field. There is no tool in the barracks apart heated stove.

He was told, two years ago there were some children in the refugee camps Ibid, Jordan, who died due to cold weather. In addition to the evacuation conditions less viable so it could have claimed the lives of their children's basic needs are not being met in refugee camps. Some children who met Grownnews in Azraq deeply want to return to Syria with a variety of reasons. Ammah, 13, a resident of Homs, when asked about his desire, just wish I could go to school like the old days when living in Syria.

Ammah and parents have four years of refuge in camps Azraq. And as long as in refugee camps, she was just sitting in a tent with his siblings are still small. While Talib, 15 years old, and a few peers when asked about Syria compact answered wanted to return to Syria. They miss playing in his hometown. Different again with answers Syrian children under the age of 7 years. They claimed not to know anything about Syria. Therefore, many of those displaced as a baby. Do not be surprised, when asked about age, their average head. They do not know when born.

Here are pictures of children who are in syria Jordan refugee camp:


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